Everything you need to enjoy the Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing event.


Due to the incredible generosity of our sponsors,most attendees have received scholarships. Their room and all the food and drinks for the conference were included in the award.

Getting there


Arrival/Departure times

  • Arrival: Friday, February 22th, 2019 1-3p: Registration, Room assignments, Reception
    • OCWiC registration tables open at 1pm and we’ll be waiting to greet you when you walk into the resort. After you pick up your registration packet, relax and grab something to eat at our welcome reception before the first session starts at 3:00 pm.
    • The room check-in time is 4pm. However, if the room is ready, you may check-in sooner.
  • Departure: Saturday, February 24th, 2019 3p: Farewell, Photos
    • Checkout time is 11 am. We suggest you checkout in the morning right before the career fair and academic tables. Until the end of the conference you may store your luggage in Mill Pond or in your car.
    • Farewells and Photos at 3pm.


Your registration covers a shared hotel room. You can request a particular roommate during registration, or you can make a general request for a someone of the same rank or from the same school. You will be notified about your roommate a week or so before the event, so that you can get acquainted. (A limited number of single rooms are available for an additional charge.)

What to bring

  • The conference dress code is “casual” for all events, including the Friday night party. Dress comfortably. Layers are a good idea since meeting rooms are usually too warm for some, and too cool for others.
  • Bring a laptop if you have one (but don’t worry if you don’t have one). There’s free wireless networking at the resort.
  • If you were awarded a scholarship, OCWiC is paying for your room and all the food and drinks for the conference. However, if you think you might like to buy souvenirs from the gift shop or use the phone in your room, you might want to consider bringing extra spending money or a credit card.